Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
... if your ears can hear a change then that MUST MEAN the audio waveform coming out of the speakers has changed ...So, when someone claims big things.. I say show me the measurement.  NOT a subjective impossible to quantify..
This is a hobbyist's group - not  a scientific group - so while you can ask others to do measurements for you, it's not likely that many will comply. Of course, you're free to conduct your own measurements, and then share the results with us.
Science.  Engineering.  Not subjective opinions.
This is a hobbyist's group, so opinions are welcome here.
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I can't believe the ghost of Enid Lumley is still with us.  That woman has done more to advance the snake oil industry than anyone else.  I remember her going on about the audio qualities of different kinds of shellac on floors.  I still have many of the Absolute Sound issues where she writes in.
I tried this years ago when I first bought expensive cables at the advice of the salesman. I never noticed a difference then, tried it a couple of times since still never heard a difference. This always seemed  to me as one of the more questionable notions in the tweak universe.