Is it a good idea to buy CD players over 10 years old even it is a reliable brand?

On cost consideration, I am planning to buy a 2nd hand CD Player like Accuphase DP 500 Player or Estoric X-05
which are around 10 years old or so.  The price is about US$2000~3000.  Of course, unlike amplifier, the CD player has a pick up head and mechanical gears, but even for the above brands which are famous for it's reliability, is it good idea to buy the quite aged CD players from them?

Tks. for the comment and opinion.


Yes. Consult the company of interest or its authorized repair operation for availability of critical parts and service.  Keep us posted on which player you decide to purchase.

Happy Listening!

@bimmerman2 mentioned the Philips TDA1541/1543 DAC. I discovered this rather spartan CD player currently available using a TDA1543. However, don’t know whose transport is used. Top loading takes the tray loading mechanics out of the equation. The price certainly isn’t bad.

Also stumbled across this list of players using the TDA1541 along with the transport type.
Just blew a grand on an old LINN IKEMI cd player.  Sounds better than streaming with the 5k dollar DAC I have. You need a have a state of the art DAC to surpass old reference cd players. So buying an old cd player is not a waste right now. Plus it's always fun to scavenge record stores for CD'S and if your cd player has a drawer mech like my LINN then it's really cool to play CD's. 
From costly experience I would advise only buying a second-hand CD player if the full transport mechanism is still available. Furthermore, if you like the sound of the player you buy, I would budget for purchasing a spare transport as soon as possible, and keep it safe. 
My old Naim CDX died and a new transport is no longer available so I purchased another CDX, thinking this was a one off. That too had the same issue after a time. It appears it is common for a Naim CDX to give up at the 20 year mark. It was an expensive mistake.

Definitely not.

Why buy a used CD player when you can buy feature festooned reliable latest technology from companies like Marantz, Sony and Arcam for an awful lot less than $2-3k?

Certainly not for sound quality either. CD players from the 80s can match recent designs, depending upon taste, but unless there’s some quaint anachronistic reason, why ever go there?

The only CD players I ever heard that stood out sonically (albeit marginally) were the Linn CD12 (scale), Rega Saturn (analogue) and the Cambridge CD4SE (vivid tones).

None of them are cheap enough or easy to get hold of to warrant my swapping them for my Marantz CD6000ki - which I think sounds more tonally balanced than any of them.