Resolution Audio CD55

Has anyone heard the new CD55 player yet?? I'm trying to audition the Muse Model 9S and the Resolution CD55. It's hard to find a Dealer that carries them both.
I have one. It is detailed without being harsh. Wonderful player. Mine is still breaking in. I don't think it quite has that beautiful mid bass fleshy tonality of the CD 50 yet but it is getting there. I'm a believer
May want to try Gary at The Audio Gallery in Lake Oswego, Or. (503) 699-8888. I know he has handled Muse and possibly Resolution as well. Let me know the results if you do.
Gary at the Audio Gallery in Lake Oswego, OR is a complete loser. If his was the only store in the world that carried the be all, end all in hi fi equipment, I would prefer to listen to the music on the AM section of my car radio than to ever deal with him again. He has no class and the worst customer service I have ever experienced. Terrible attitude. Trust me on this one... I am being extremely conservative in my description.