Kappa 9 vs Martin Logan Quest Z

I'm thinking about one of these...which would you choose ?

I'm tending towards the MLs.
Thx for all the advice, I read it all and will read more too when/if any more appear here...

So (Thesoundhouse) what about a K8 and Quest Z matchup ?

I'm tending to go outside the box this time, but we'll see. I've had Magnepan MGI (they had a 'nasal' sound in a narrow band of the voice freq range, a little similar to the L100's I have/had) MGIIa, and have some SMGa's too. Many other box speakers too...ready to try the Quest z's I think...
Mechans, What is your point? I know Bill is very good at repairing speakers. In fact he has repaired speakers for me in the past and I have purchased many speakers from him, but when it comes to listening it's just an opinion.
If you like MLs, try a vintage Infinity with EMIM midranges upgraded to the brilliant new Apogee Acoustics EMIM diaphragms. Electrostatic clarity with way more dynamic range. Here's a snapshot of my RSIIb's:

My point is that he has an exceptional ear for sound and has heard most speakers including I expect ML. Thus he would be a good source for any analysis and a good advisor for helping to choose the "right" speaker for Mickey44. Not that anyone other than the person listening can ever know what they really will ultimately enjoy most. A seasoned ear however I think can at least provide guidance. That was my point.
All this may be meaningless as I am uncertain if he would even want to share his thoughts on the matter.
Have you heard either K9's or K8's or the ML's? There's no comparison. Completely different. Almost opposites. Different amp demands. The K9's are very demanding but so are the ML's, in different ways. Different placement/ listening position. Anybody that owns either and heard the other would, at best, say a polite, "That's nice".

The question only makes me wonder if you have any idea of your own requirements. Not trying to be rude but you seem to without a plan.