ESOTERIC N-01 Replacement For My PS Audio BHK Preamp & Directstream Dac with Brige ll

I have Auditioned the Esoteric Grandioso K1 on several occasions and I cant seem to find anything that comes close. My thoughts where to replace my BHK Preamp and Directream Dac for the Esoteric N-01 Network Player Dac since it is the same Dac as the Grandioso's minus the Super Audio CD Player. My thoughts is to go with the Esoteric N-01 XLR out to my Audio Research 160S direct and use it as a digital Preamp only out to my Focal #2’s.
@blumartini you really should try to demo an MSB Discrete dac; with the Ethernet renderer module and second power supply you have a Roon compliant endpoint that also functions superbly as a preamp; I recently completed an extensive A/B with my Luxman C900u and the end result is I no longer have the C900; If you only do digital and don’t need second set of pre outs you can’t go wrong with something like MSB quality as dac/pre; This is the first dac I heard that is not improved by a preamp, and the c900 easily ranks with the best in the 10-20k range; MSB chassis incredible; check out the YouTube views into their engineering process. 
Good Luck!

Thanks for sharing, I will see about getting a demo piece in if possible.
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