Improvements to OPPO 105 DARBEE?

Are there some significant improvements to look for?
What features are obviously missing?
Are upgrades available via internet?
Assuming the stereo analog audio quality is adaquate; is there
any reason this machine would not be completely adequate to allow enjoyment of virtually all current formats for audio, video, TV, internet radio stations, etc?
What other specialty pieces of equipment are necessary to make full use of this Oppo?
I'm still using basic CD's & a turntable and not technically astute. :-(
I only have a very basic Panasonic plasma TCP50S60. Will the upscaling make a difference? I thought 1080p is all the tv can reproduce. I'm still using my older MIT component video connections as my tv is well away from my Lexicon RT 20 used for DVD and at about 18 ft I find the picture quality is ok. I could get a long HDMI cable if it gave a significant improvement.
What about The Upgrade Company OPPO mods? They have some good references.
I have the upgraded Oppo from The Up Grade co. and have been very happy with it.
enjoy Pete
Matt. rereading I think I should have understood to GET a 4K TV.
Makes sense now.
Unless you are watching a VERY large screen (over 80 inches) or sit VERY close to your TV (less than 4 ft.), 4K offers nothing of value. 1080P looks terrific and is much less expensive than the current 4K units...

Yes. Is the OPPO decently future proof at this time?
Is the Alpha Dac 2 going to improve the Oppo sound?