Hi Joe
I did watch Peter Lederman and experimented with adding some anti-skating with some good results.
So did you try lowering the stylus in between the runout grooves. What happened?
When the tech from Overture Audio { who have been great } comes to swap out arms I won’t let him leave until I am completely satisfied. I have too large an investment in this not to have great sound from the entire record.
He is going to put on a few records .Can’t do more than that. Your hearing while he is there - will not be in the same state as when you are alone, with friends, family, relaxed and listening. Just saying I used to do this for friends.
You can give a man a fish....or you can teach him to fish. In millercarbon’s case it seems a beer will do it. 8^0
when someone posts as they have on your thread.
I hear no inner groove issue ...although the beginning of the record always sounds better than the end
That is describing inner groove distortion. No one on your thread seems to want to discuss the Elephant in the room. The Record.
There is a lot more vinyl, bigger grooves, at the beginning of a record. The grooves are much smaller at the end. The beginning of the record should be, based on physics, always sounding better at the beginning. How resolving ones room is (and their hearing) will factor into if one can hear this.
Due to the above - , "anything" that is going to impede the stylus travel, be it tonearm setup, alignment, antiskate, condition of record - will be heard more readily at the end. Another challenge for the vinyl audiophiles.
The above - the Inner Record Grooves - is Analog’s answer to - Digital Compression.
Because my pivot arm’s cartridge is angled in (cocked in, as Peter from Soundsmith likes to say) - toward the spindle. The more friction in the groove (increased VTF) results in needing more anti skate. For this reason Peter’s test involving the Inner Groove test only goes so far.
Classical music - due to the varying levels of modulation (loudness) - is the biggest challenge against groove distortion and applying anti skate. We all are just trying to bring the distortion level down to a level that is bearable for us. And this "level" differs for all of us. JMO
Happy Listening and Merry Christmas to everyone.