Whoever think Sophia 1 is a high resolution speakers must have not yet heard what real high resolution speakers sound like. The sophia's got a overblown bass, topped with mid that is very much veiled. room placement/system upgrades may help improve sound but you will never get too far. MGGuy, you have very good ears and yes, I am sure you are actually hearing defects from Sophias. Before you put down any more money, think about changing your speakers. Think why they now have Sophia 3 in the new line up..really messed up. Sell your Sophia if you can, and try others in the market in similar price range that will offer you far better value/performance. It won't be too hard to find..FYI, back while ago, I auditioned Sophia 2 vs Thiel 3.7, KEF 205/2, B&W 802D, and Revel Studio's, and Sophia came dead last..and I am only mentioning few..I am sure there are more options. Trust your ears and go explore !