Anyone own Eggleston Works Isabel?

Just curious if anyone has heard this or spent time with it in your room. Also, what amplification did you use? Thanks.
one year after... I'm an happy owner of Eggleston Isabel in search for the good amp match. Any suggestion would me more than welcome.
12 years after I will be, about september or october, the owner of a pair of Isabel and I think to use 2 mono amps meridian 105 with them.  They are vintage amps but with a power of 100wx2 of good quality and I'm sure they ll be a good couple, in my little room. At the moment the amps give their power to a couple of merlin tsm that uses about the same morel woofer of the Isabel  with big satisfaction, but I wanted that esotar tweeter I have appreciated so much at a friend s home.   In any case some years ago I bought a pair of Vtl tiny triode that I will be glad to test with the new arrival.  
Please make me know your actual choice (with the Isabel?).  

It is about 2 years that I have these Egglestone Isabel and I’m very happy with them, in my little room dedicated to Music. I  use a Spectral dma50  to drive them and I found this a good match. The only fault with the Isabel is the deep bass, but the amp makes a good work so that you can find some bass, in spite of the dimensions, but losing  the ultra bass, that would be a mission impossible to get. 
Not Isabel, but its bigger brother Fontaine which has an additional mid-woof. Glorious sound, no etchiness whatsoever, clear and smooth with just the right amount of bite, though completely lacking the lowest octave. Perfect for vocals, jazz, and "girl with guitar" stuff, but I added a pair of much needed powered subs to fill out that bottom octave for rock and electric blues.
Driven by a pair of Audio Mirror 45 Watt SET monoblocks ... from sublime to gutsy they do it all. 

After 5 years that I'm listening with Ew Isabel I think that they are very good speakers.  But I found that they prefer  a valve amp.  Or it is me that I prefer valve ?   So the spectral 50,  that is very good but a little too analitical, was changed for a  6550tube   50w x2 amp, that have done more air and musicality to the final result. without loss of analisys. 

I have some question about the rightness of the crossover frequency (3500hz),  when maybe a 2200 should let the tweeter more work to do (some like the merlin vsm for ex.).    Some thoughts about ?