Does the wilson sophia 1 sound good only with perf

I now have the Sophia 1 speakers. They seem to sound right only with very well recorded music. Otherwise the defects show up and stand in the way of plain enjoyment of the music. Has anyone else had this experience with them? I use Audio Research tube qmp and pre amp.
I don't often quote Peter Aczel (The Audio Critic, for you newbies)but I agree with him in that the most important element in the heirarchy of hifi is the recording. That doesn't mean not to listen to worthwhile music that is poorly recorded, but don't expect sonic bliss. For those who care (and I doubt many do at this point) Peter's next in line for most important is the speaker. Or maybe the room, I forget. One or the other. Anyway, don't expect miracles with bad recordings. You'll drive yourself nuts, if you're not already there.
Whoever think Sophia 1 is a high resolution speakers must have not yet heard what real high resolution speakers sound like. The sophia's got a overblown bass, topped with mid that is very much veiled. room placement/system upgrades may help improve sound but you will never get too far. MGGuy, you have very good ears and yes, I am sure you are actually hearing defects from Sophias. Before you put down any more money, think about changing your speakers. Think why they now have Sophia 3 in the new line up..really messed up. Sell your Sophia if you can, and try others in the market in similar price range that will offer you far better value/performance. It won't be too hard to find..FYI, back while ago, I auditioned Sophia 2 vs Thiel 3.7, KEF 205/2, B&W 802D, and Revel Studio's, and Sophia came dead last..and I am only mentioning few..I am sure there are more options. Trust your ears and go explore !
I'm not a Sophia owner or Wilson defender (or detractor), but I've heard the Sophia 1's many times and have found them to sound completely different depending on the gear. The first few times, I thought the midrange was terrible. Closed-in vocals, you name it. When I heard them matched with a different amplifier, I couldn't believe the change.

Did you compare the Sophia 2s to the Thiel 3.7, KEF 205/2, B&W 802D, and Revel Studio's in the same room and the same electronics?
I was too quick in my judgement of Sophia 1. After further listening i have found that they can bring a solo classical piano right into the room. A small jazz group the same. Dynamics are very good. At low listening levels the best i have ever heard. Voices have feeling in them i have not heard before. That about says it for me.