MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?

I’m considering one of these. Please share your thoughts, especially if you’ve heard them. I will be streaming 70% and CD’s 30%

Jazz, R&B and classical in that order are my listening habits.

My room is 20x30 and very nice acoustics.

Current system:
Dali Epicon 8, Luxman 509X, PS Audio NuWave DSD, Cambridge CXC, Shunyata interconnects & Nordost speaker cable

Thank you!!!


Since the Amber 3 is a sealed design we don't encourage tube rolling. If careful the case can be opened, and the tubes can easily be changed. If you're concerned about damaging the unit and or electrical shock, please have an experienced tech replace the tubes. We have two techs we use for service/warranty repair, one on each coast. 
With all due respect to the Lampizator team, the case is similar to a great many cases: to remove the cover one only need remove a few screws (hex) and I'm sure it slides off to reveal the inner workings. There are a couple of seals which would be broken if you did remove the cover, which might void the warranty if you did so (I emphatically have not!).

Now, if I wanted to tube roll some 12au7's etc, it would take something pretty spectacular to better the sound. Flavor the sound? Yes, I'm sure it would be possible but to significantly better the sound by rolling in some NOS tubes would be highly subjective. I haven't felt the need to tube roll the one I have but I wouldn't hesitate if I believed it "needed" it or there was some sort of deficiency/correction that could be influenced by tube rolling.

As is always the case, listen to your manufacturer if they provide guidance, especially if by not following said guidance it would void the warranty.  I just didn't want the community to believe that future tube maintenance was going to require a trip back to the manufacturer in Poland and the answer is no. Recognize that manufacturers and their role in promoting safety/operability and long term reliability are best served by advising against opening the unit.

I just wanted to make sure the audiogon community wasn't under the impression that the case is sealed, as in impossible to open, versus advising the user base to seek out an audio professional before "fixing" the Amber 3. Peace to all.

In short, if you want to risk voiding your warranty, the Amber 3 can be opened just like other equipment you may have.The difference being that by breaking the seals, there is no turning back.
Well, I have 2 DACs - Modwright and Aqua and the cases have several  hex screws on the casing itself to make it easy to remove; the Amber looks like the screws are only on the faceplate. So if I follow you  if a tube goes bad while the unit is under warranty and you don't want to incur shipping for something as easy as replacing a tube it sounds like you will invalidate the warranty because of 'broken seals".  I don't get the logic to this setup
No way opening up the case should or will void a warranty. I am not just hooking up a piece of gear that was shipped from Poland without first making sure all tubes are seated properly and nothing is loose.  Standard operating practice. @lampizatorna  please confirm as I just purchased a unit and I am looking inside before giving it 120 volts and risking a short or worse in my rig. Tubes or parts shift or become fully or partially unseated etc... Stuff just happens when shipping and handling from so far away. Seems like a reasonable thing to do. I have had my share of gear show up with broken tubes, tubes loose and only partially in the socket, parts shifted and loose etc....

It would make a lot of sense if they ship without the tubes installed for safety while in shipping transit, so that owners will install the tubes themselves when they receive them.