What Ampliffier And Magico A3

What is the best amplifier for magico a3?
Now i use two monoblock Classé Audio Omega with a Nagra PLL, but i thing that i need something more dynamic ... maybe something like a Spectral Audio DMA 250 or 260 ...???..
I listen jazz, french and classical music..

Some suggestions?

Thanks you all for your advices, It's very appreciated .

Here my Hi Fi,
Note that the acoustic panels are under construction and i never keep the grids, of course, when i listen music.https://www.canuckaudiomart.com/view_userimages.php?user_id=12369

I only tried other cheap speakers cables and it was very very good. MIT are very good cables, but not compatible with Magico A3.
So yesterday i bought two pairs of Nordost Heimdall 2 RCA and one pair of speaker câbles Heimdall 2. I'll get them today and i can't wait to try them...
Thanks again for all advices.
Happy Man! :-)
I heard a system with Magicos and McIntosh tube preamp / DAC with their 1KW mono block amplifiers.  
The sound was phenomenal.  Should be within your budget.  
Hello jo1mtb
Not too bad, better than the MIT with my system, but i think that they are not enough accurate for Magico (maybe?). A friend of mine should lend me a pair of Audio Sensibility Signature. I will try them after summer hollydays, and i will do the Dave and Toy's recommandations too.
Cables: https://audiosensibility.com/blog/products-2/speaker-cables-2/

Note: my previous speakers were Dunlavy SC V..., Very hard to find better.