I don’t care about all the mumbo jumbo on how things are calculated just like I don’t care about how cubic inches relates to horsepower. IME, quality SS amps that doubles its power from 8 ohms down to 2 have been better sounding amps to me. Tube amps sound like they produce more power than its ratings vs SS amps but the tube amps I’ve had or I’ve listened to can’t control the bass drivers compared to SS amps.
Nobody here has mentioned anything about how McIntosh amps state there ratings. Most of their higher end models produce the same watts at each ohm. They have autoformers/power guard systems that others don’t, good or bad.
I have tested this watt vs current scenario using my old Totem Mani II’s that are very difficult to drive. This was 15 years ago, I had a 200 watt Classe 200 amp that doubles down for each ohm. In my home theater room, I had an audio receiver with a 200 watt rating but didn’t double down or even close. The audio receiver made the Totems sound thin and lifeless. I Took my Totems to my friends audio room that we hooked them up to a pair of Mcintosh 1000 watt monoblocks and they sounded fantastic at very high spl levels. I think the mani’s state wattage up to 150 watts and we were well over 240 watts according to the meters on the amps.
I’ve tried many times trying to get buy with integrated amps claiming they have good wattage with high damping claims, but always end up with a separate amp that has the same wattage as the integrated but has much more power that controls the speakers much better than the integrated