Are "streamers" the new "transports"?

Have been following recent threads on streamers, DACs,etc. and wish to pose a question...

But, first, I would like to limit the discussion to just streamers and NOT DACs.
The analogy to which I seek clarity is the CD transport.

Assuming I have the same DAC (Chord Qutest) in use, will a "better" streamer measurably and audibly improve sound quality. If so, at what price/performance thresholds do you see?

Is it analogous to CD transports "5-10 years ago"?
Meaning, I could use:

1. Cheap Sony CDP ($200)
2. Oppo whatever model ($500)
3. Bel Canto transport ($1500)
4. Metronome or DCS ($5k+)

...and pass the signal to my DAC then to the amp. Now, as it relates to streaming...I could then...:

1. Use Apple TV or Chromecast then optical to DAC ($75)
2. Bluesound via Coax, Opt or USB to DAC ($500)
3. Lumin or Aurender ($2000)
4. Any crazy streamer that is $5K+

Sure, it's system dependent and only noticable if you have the ears and the gear for it.

But, my broader question: Outside if the "cost no object" gear ($5K+), is there a difference in the transmission of the digital signal that then creates SQ improvements via the SAME DAC?

If so, WHY?

The reason for no wifi is almost the same why its advised to use a streamer which was built for audio, instead of a noisy laptop.
Wifi protocol generates lots of noise and interference, its not like you hear it in your music, but its there. 
I was always against such ideas when friends bring them up, thinking its too much of stretch. but when i tried myself i was astonished and even became obsessed with tweaking my ethernet further. Even using better power supplies on your network devices could make a huge difference!!

Its very easy and not costly to test things for yourself. You don't have to be the last 5-10% type to spend 100-150 USD of a ubiquity edgerouter. You can have long runs done by optical fibre cable, then use a Tp. Link media converter next to your streamer to convert back to ethernet wire. Even connected to your laptop by a generic ethernet cable, you would hear a positive difference. 
Are server’s / streamers the new sources like a CD transport , I guess they are however without all the inherent unsolvable issues of players and transport’s .
Being introduced briefly to music through a Mac book pro a few years ago compared to a dedicated server later brought in we immediately noticed a leap in sound quality . Much more transparency off the bat with a list of great recording’s . 
There was so much more to my favourite music I’ve never experienced before .This was directly attributed to much , much lower noise the Mac Pro simply cannot come close to not by a country mile .

Though I have to give credit to others locally for helping me transition away from spinning CDs I would never dump my collection.
Who knows in just a few years where servers and streamers will be including dacs for that matter. However even though these are basically computer parts in some cases proprietary topologies in a attractive looking machined box they are not all created equal.

Anyway you can call others what you like for dumping their money into this hobby . If you believe your most of the way there , what ever that means I guess that’s all what really matters .