
Hello, am using an EAR 912 preamp for the first time and went to play an LP and only one channel, the right channel, plays, when I switch it to mono both channels play. Any ideas? Thank you in advance for your thoughts...

Swap your LP RCA channels. This will confirm its the Left that's the problem. Next swap channels on the cartridge pins. Then either its the cartridge, or somewhere between the cartridge clips and the RCA ends. So which is it?
Ok, thank you. So I swapped the RCA cables at the preamp and the right side continued to play music, nothing from the left channel. I then swapped the left and right cartridge clips around and the same thing, only sound from the right channel. I even tried another pair of phono cables with the same result. I even tried the second phono input on my preamp, same right channel only playing. A little confused now. Any advise?
 When you say you swapped cables at the pre-amplifier, do you mean to say you swapped cables at the output of the pre-amplifier to the amplifier or at the input to the phono stage? Because if you did the latter that is no different from swapping the cartridge pins except you have tested the cables themselves. My suspicion is that one channel is out on your pre-amplifier. The reason you have signal in mono is because you are hearing the right channel only but now it’s shared with the left. So, if you didn’t do it already, swap the cables that go from the preamplifier to the amplifier. Let us know what happens.