Tekton Speakers in Maine

I live 45 Miles’s  northwest of Portland and as far as I know there is no place nearby to demo these speakers and even though they will ship them to you free for an in home trial you have to pay return freight if you don’t like them. Depending on the speakers your are trying this could be expensive. I have a pair of Ulfberhts which should give you an idea of their “ house sound”. I have tube and solid state amps as well as a turntable and digital playback system so you should be able to get a good idea on the capabilities of these speakers. If you are interested, let me know.
@millercarbon Unfortunately, Maine is not a hotspot for Audiophiles and the few bricks and mortar stores in the state reflect this. It is too bad you are on the other coast because I have regularly noticed your postings here and like myself you have an open mind and are adventurous.
I have gone through a lot of speakers over the years and even my Martin Logan’s were lacking when compared to the Tekton’s. I purchased the Ulfberhts after talking to Eric Alexander . I was looking at the Encores as my room is pretty much the same size as yours. The Ulfberhts are very revealing but not brutally so. The better the gear in front of it the better sound quality you will get. I have a pretty decent system but I would love hear what they would sound like with some of the ultra high end electronics. Taking Terry London’s advice I added a pair of subwoofers. He said if  I didn’t get too aggressive with them they would improve the stereo image and he was right.  I added a pair of Martin Logan 212’s.
I would love to be able to compare the Moab’s to the Ulfberhts as there is an obvious price difference. Hopefully, someone out your way as one or the other you can listen to. I think you could get an idea of what to expect even listening to a pair of Double Impacts. Do what I did but in reverse stating what you would like to hear within X amount of miles from your house. If you get an invite you will not only hear some Tekton speakers, you might make a new Audiophile friend which is what I am trying to do. Best wishes: Larry 
@lwin   Nice gesture and offer. Hope folks take you up on it. There is so much to learn from listening to systems other than yours, in different rooms, and set up / tuned for different preferences.
@david-ten Thanks for your kind words. I have to be candid in that there is a little altruism involved. It would be nice to make new friends with another audiophile or two. Sharing music and comparing gear with others is one of the best parts of this hobby. However if they just want to see if Tekton Design speakers are right for them I am fine with that.