Which Int. Amp with passive ATC SCM40

Hi all.
Have had to down size from Mac C2300 + JBL LSR6312 (acitive) to an integrated with the now selected SCM40. The room is awfully small. Listening distance is about 7ft and speakers will be 6ft apart. 
Due to the compact placement, a sealed box would be best, thus these speakers.

Music taste runs from Slayer, Metallica, Rammstein to Enya, Patricia Barber, Mary Black, The Prodigy ... mostly the heavier stuff..

Please help me by advising which amp will smoothens the highs (most heavy metal recordings accentuate the highs) and give me slam

ATC SIA2150 (adv : same make as speakers)  OR
Parasound Hint 6 (adv : tone control, phono stage)

jagjag OP
Please help me by advising which amp will smoothens the highs

The ATC SCM40 are only 81db independently tested, so they’ll need a good >100watter or more to get them going.

You don’t need an amp with lots of current muscle though, as they have very easy impedance curve and -phase angle.

So even tubes, mosfets or Class-D will drive them, just pick the amp you like the sound of. Parasound Hint 6 would be a great choice and it has a dac in it too.

Cheers George
Cheers George, 
I have decoided on the Hint 6.
Another speaker option has been thrown into the speaker mix. I will be auditioning the JBL 4312G, 4307 & 4306 today. 

I have been using the LSR series for a long time and I have a feeling the parasound will match the JBL's well. Lets see.
