Modem performance and modem selection.

How much does a modem impact sound performance when streaming high resolution music and or video via Ethernet connection?  If you believe the impact is important/noticeable, can you make a recommendation on your favoured modem? Thank you 
How much does a modem impact sound performance when streaming high resolution music and or video via Ethernet connection?

Not at all. See: buffer.
“None at all.  See: buffer”. I am somewhat in the dark when you mention buffer.  I did a search on “buffer” and found numerous discussions.  Most talked about using an active buffer in the chain.  Is that what you are referring to?  If so, what brand/model do you recommend?  If not, can you help me understand what you mean by “buffer”.  Thank you 
Streaming is not a very good alternative to CD transports, sound wise, I understand. 
The output of your cable modem is likely ethernet, so isolated at some level. The power supply would also likely be an isolated 2 prong class-2 supply. Not perfect, but pretty good.

Modem - Router - Some audio equipment. To Miller’s point, all buffered, so you are either getting it, or not, and it will be bit perfect (which the CD may not be .. but likely is).
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