MM Cartridge for music on the heavier side

I will be getting a Parasound Hint 6 integrated which has an MM phono stage.Speakers will be either ATC SCM 40 or JBL 4312G
Most of my music is on the heavier side, Iron Maiden, Slayer, etc. I do listen to a good amount of Jazz and a wee bit of classical.

TT : modified Technics 1200 wtih cardas wiring,silicon damper trough and external power supply.

Budget for MM cartride is about $400
The characteristics i enjoy are tight slamming bass, rimshots that can kill and crunchy guitars. Projecting tight drum sound and full rounded bass guitar are important.

I am not seeking lush airy vocals etc. I want solid sound, I want the music to punch me in the gut. I want to feel the music.

Please float suggestions.

Hell Yeah Jag!

Enjoy whatever Cart you choose and turn it up to 11.

I too, am a little bewildered by your opinion of Nagaoka. I am experienced with the Stanton 881S. Used one on my turntable for a couple of years. Wasn't a bad cartridge but that was back in 1977. Yes, it had the Stereohedron tip, but I fast learned of carts much better than it back then. Stereohedron is pretty much old school. The 881S surely is. The entry level MP-110 Nagaoka will easily outperform it. I know because I have had both it and the Stanton. I'm not guessing or assuming here.
I second the Ortofon 2M black, which I enjoy personally. I am not recommending buying a used cartridge, but I have seen them used for $499. 
Dear @jagjag :  Your Parasound can handle this MC and you can't go wrong with:

thios is a great performer with nude square shank Microline stylus ina gold boron plated cantilever. You can ask for more and today AT cartridges are a warranty of very good quality performance..

If you want a MM cartridge then Nagaoka is one of the best today cartridges out there, you can buy with confidence Nagaoka that's a very all very well regarded cartridge design manufacturer and even they makes cartridges for other companies. Forgeret about Pickering/Stanton or even AT vintage ones that comes with no warranty or today re-tipping facilities.

@uberwaltz : """  You need move out of the vintage era sometimes and see what else there is out here..."""

I can see that still today you don't take in count that he is a sellers and nothing more than that.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
I like to give the benefit of the doubt in most instances.

Nice to hear you also hold the Nagaoka line of carts in high esteem, I have been and still am very impressed with my mp-150 especially considering the price.

Happy New Year my friend!