Budget Cables for Component Connection/Interconnects

I currently have Audioquest Evergreen RCA cables connecting from my CD player to preamp - I quite like them and would like to stay within their pricerange...but when going from my preamp to amp, I've just been using 'standard' nothing special cables, as the distance between the L and R inputs on my amp is too far apart for the Audioquest cables! Frustrating!

How to Blue Jeans Cables (LC-1) compare? What about Mogami? Ideally, I'd be getting a few pairs of these for consistency and replacing the Evergreens. One for pre to power [which will later become DAC to integrated once I buy a DAC and upgrade to a tube integrated...but that's another story], one for CD to pre, and one for phono to pre!
When I needed new ICs I bought 5 pairs of Audioquest Silver Extremes from HCM. $90/pair. Excellent quality! They will work fine with the widely-spaced jacks on your amp - the SEs are single-run cables. At the price, a real bargain! 

Thanks all! - I will be upgrading to an integrated tube amp in the coming months, so don't want to have a higher end cable for a short time only before I upgrade.
I'll look into Synergistic Research, though I think even used is above my price range...the Red River isn't a bad choice though!
Even at that price, the Silver Extremes are out of range...US$90 plus shipping, import fees etc., us Canadians get screwed on the exchange rate :(
Two thoughts:
  1. If you’re switching to an integrated in the near future just be patient and wait. Synergy is crucial when choosing interconnects, and whatever you buy now may not be as good of a fit with your new amp.
  2. Don’t bother buying new interconnects until you’re able to spend at least $100 as that’s where you’ll start to get significantly better performance (Dueland interconnects from member @grannyring might be a rare exception). Two of the high-value interconnects in that range that come to mind and would likely be a significant improvement over the Evergreens are Cullen Copper and Raven Audio Soniquil. Both offer trial periods so you can see/hear for yourself.
Hope this helps, and best of luck.
I will likely wait...just sort of window shopping now :)
Fair enough...I'll check those ones out too!