Cartridge loading

Presently I am using a ZU/Denon DL103 mc cartridge with ZU Audio's highest tolerances.  I had this cartridge mounted on my VPI Prime and after going through all the various loading combinations, I settled on 200 ohms.  I was always satisfied with my choice of setting.  I no longer have the Prime and now use the Technics SL1200G turntable.  After having the same cartridge mounted and aligned by the dealer, I inserted it into my system and enjoyed the sound immensely, never touching the 200 ohm setting.

Yesterday I was listening to vinyl most of the day and for some reason I found the sound to be better than ever, mostly in the treble area.  The highs had shimmer when needed and I had played the same records many times before on the Prime and they never sounded as good as they did yesterday.  Just for the heck of it, I checked the cartridge loading and found it was now set at 1000 ohms.  As I said, when I put the Technics into the system, I never bothered changing the loading which was at 200 ohms as it was the same cartridge, just a different turntable.

I believe I know what happened, when I last used the tone controls on my McIntosh preamp, (you have to shuffle through a menu) I must have inadvertently put the cartridge loading at 1000 ohms.  It truly sounds fantastic, better than I ever thought possible.  The Bass is still very deep and taut, midrange is the same but the treble, oh my, so much better.  Now the million dollar question is why should it now sound better at 1000 ohms, when it sounded great before at 200 ohms?  Can the tonearm on the Technics have an effect on cartridge loading?  I always thought it was all dependent on the preamp, amp and speakers.  What am I missing here?  I am very curious to know.  The specs for my cartridge say greater than 50 ohms for loading.

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No, you have a big problem. Not me.  Wanna go back and forth on this? I cannot imagine why you think I hit on you simply by pointing out a possible mechanism for one effect of loading on an MC cartridge. I was trying to make a neutral contribution to this discussion, but I realize it may have seemed to you that I was taking Ralph's side against your attack. I really wasn't.
Thanks for the correction on the recommended loading for the Lyra cartridges per the Lyra website, but is it not the case that Jonathan Carr has suggested 47K ohms for LOMCs, in this forum?  If I'm wrong there too, I would like to know about it.  In any case, I am far from "recommending" a 47K load.  As you may recall, I discovered that I liked 47K for one of my LOMCs by accident, because I forgot to adjust the load at the phono input one evening before playing music.  So I reported my surprising result here.  Unlike yourself, I do not try to tell other people what they should do. And the cartridge was not riding in either of the two tonearms that I own and you hate, on the evening when I made the observation that there is some merit to 47K loading in my system.  And why does THAT make you so furious?
@lewm : ""  I am running them at 47K ohms routinely now. I find the sonics to be more open and airy that way, and I feel no impulse to move back to the more typical 100R value. """ "

" them........routinely now.No impulse to move back...."

and now you said: one cartridge by accident.No problem.

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