Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil

Anyone compared the bass response of these two caps?  I bought the Supremes for trial purposes and really loved what they did to my system's imaging (front to back layering) and immediately bought the Silver Gold Oil Supremes.  Unfortunately while they were smoother, more beautiful, and even better at imaging, they had no bass (actually, they lost bass as they broke in).  Anyone know how the Silver Oil's fit into the line?  

I'm using them in a Don Sach's DS2 Preamp (  

Yes, do bypass with the CuTF Vcaps! Chris of Vcap shared with me this gem.   The result is very good.  .01 uf.  
alexberger, can you explain this to me?

" Teflon is a kind of plastic.Any plastic adds plastic coloration to sound.
Even for wires isolation cotton sounds more organic and natural that Teflon."
Thank you
This thread is extremely educational but at the risk of sounding a bit nerdy, I just want to say that these sort of “tweaks” should be handled with extreme care and sometimes best left to qualified techs and/or experienced DIY folks. Almost all these gears, especially the tube gears, run on some real serious voltages and the slightest mistake can have irreversible health and even life ending results. Capacitors in particular need to be handled with care for obvious reasons - they can hold charge for a while. 
Sorry, just wanted to throw that out there as I hate to see/hear anyone get hurt.
@billwojo Polypropylene caps do have a type of coloration that you may not notice until you "roll" other capacitor types into your equipment. The most natural sounding caps (IMHO) are caps that incorporate wax and/or oil. 

Insulation for bare wire can be purchased as Teflon or cotton tubing. I've used both and I agree that cotton does sound more natural only when I use it in moderation. There was a point that I used cotton tubing exclusively but music started sounding brittle after using too much. Now I alternate between both materials when I mod. 

@kalali I unplug the component before I work on it. That saves my life every time :p

@cal3713 I may revisit the Mundorf S/G/O for the tweeter network. Your assessment of it's imaging seems to match Tony Gee's. It may provide depth but is the stage wide or narrow as if you're looking down a pipe or tunnel? I really dislike imaging that crams everything in the middle.