Newbee, The Acoustat TNT-200 was designed by Acoustat to drive Acoustat speakers. I could not say it is the best amp to drive Acoustats, but I can tell you it out performed my Levinson 23 while driving Acoustats of the same vintage as the OP's Acoustat 4's.
Your comment of your Spectra 2200 needing 200/400 watts to get them off the ground is misleading since Acoustat speakers reach a volume threshold and in reality a good 100 watt tube amplifier would be adequate. Your Spectra 2200 which is half of the OP's speaker most likely would not be able to handle all the TNT-200 has to offer.
After Acoustat was sold Jim Strickland stayed on with Hafler and Rockford Fosgate, which were subsidiaries and his TNT (Trans Nova Twin) amplifier design was pass down to Hafler to rekindle that brand in the marketplace, which it did for a while.
This post is a good example of why Acoustat designed the TNT-200. It was an incrdible bargain when it was new and it's an even better bargain now on the used market.
Your comment of your Spectra 2200 needing 200/400 watts to get them off the ground is misleading since Acoustat speakers reach a volume threshold and in reality a good 100 watt tube amplifier would be adequate. Your Spectra 2200 which is half of the OP's speaker most likely would not be able to handle all the TNT-200 has to offer.
After Acoustat was sold Jim Strickland stayed on with Hafler and Rockford Fosgate, which were subsidiaries and his TNT (Trans Nova Twin) amplifier design was pass down to Hafler to rekindle that brand in the marketplace, which it did for a while.
This post is a good example of why Acoustat designed the TNT-200. It was an incrdible bargain when it was new and it's an even better bargain now on the used market.