PS Audio Direct Stream Dac & Bridge 2 Sound quality

I have searched through the discussions page and cannot find much info about this combo. Some of the threads look to have been deleted. Which tells me this may be a hot topic and I don’t know why.

I like the sound of the Direct Steam dac especially with the Windom firmware, so, I though it would make sense adding the Bridge 2.

So, can anyone comment on the sound quality using this combo?

Thank you,
@ozzy I have that combination and the sound quality is good to excellent. As always there is dependency upon your source. If you are steaming Tidal and you are playing Masters you need the Bridge to do the second unfold for MQA playback which is excellent. On the downside, I have had drop offs from my internet connection to the Bridge which can be frustrating if you are focusing on listening to MQA files.  
Until recently I would say that Bridge was the best playback method but Wolf Audio has a modification for their units they call the usb flux capacitor that is very close in SQ to the Bridge. One of my buddies prefers the Wolf Audio usb output SQ over the Bridge.

Thank you so much for the reply. 
I would mostly be sending music from a external hard drive (NAS) over my network. And, occasionally using Qoboz.


Ozzy based upon your system I would give it a try. PS audio does have a trial period and as Paul McGowan says no cable is better than any cable.I heard an improvement using the Bridge with a custom laptop I used only for music playback. Larry
Well I have a PS Bridge 2 on its way to me.
Is there any other free apps that can work with my PC?
At this point, I only want to compare sound quality with my current set up during the PS Bridge trial period.
