Jadis Defy can't sing with super high Fidelity PART 2

Why part 2?
Because she sings now, why?
Just arrived
Shugaung 12AX7T's from HK, dealer Douk audio,
WOWWW, unreal, IMHO no other 12AX7 comes even close to these Shugaung T's,. I mean this Defy in spite of the cheap chinese mock  Jadis 200 pre, the Defy has come to a  glorious resolution. 
I had no idea the front tubes were so so vital toa  sound ofa  tube amp.
I am using new Psvane's 12AU7 in the front, 4 12AX7T's just behind.

I will makea  YT vid today, and post it, and try to post a  link here.

I put my bet on these Shugaung 12AX7T's in a  shootout with every NOS EU 12AX7, any and all ina  shootout,
in 5 seconds or LESS the Shugaung would blow the entire bunch of  Siemens, Tele, Amperex, Mullards, all with ONE SHOT, .
These Shu are the quickest , most accurate, gun shooter in the west. 
Mahler, what are your components? I'd like to see a pic of your amp if possible. I couldn't really see the layout of the tube stages. What output tubes are you using?
Ok I'm back from Dinner
Now if we havea  tech guy take 
5 dif ax's, all NOS, amperex/Tele/Siemens/RCA's etc.
and have each tested,,
and lets say all test within a fraction of each other in every area.
The tech guy will say they will be near equal in a  socket. 
If we are talking about miniscule dif, why should we believe its worth it to pay, <<Holy grail>> prices?
As I say, my preamp is holding back my system, and until that is rectified, i really can not make accurate testings in the AX's shoot out.
There ae AX long plates ad short plates, 
Here is where I hope to makea testing. 
I am curious if the long plates issue a  higher resolution in fq's. 
But then again, long is onlya  fraction taller than so called <short> plates, 
As I say, with my preamp holding back the entire system's sensitivity, it will be some time before i can make any conclusive statements upon these ideas.
Others who have rolled AX's for years, may know something and hopefully will chime in to help us on this slippery slope. And so we can determine which is snakeoil, and what is ~~The real deal~~~

As you can see from the YT upload, 
cayin cd 17 Mark1
Lite LS9 pre
Defy7/Chinese KT88's ARC ~rejects~
Seas Thors.
The Lite LS9 is flat and distorts,,and thats with high quality amperex 7062 NOS  tubes.
I will have Richard Grey do some mods on the Cayin, swapping the Real caps for Mundorf's Silver/Gold Oil (white body, not the black supremes), 
I will upload another YT vid tomorrow. 
I am waiting on 2 more Siemens AX's to arrive any day. 
The shootout with be
Sylvania AX , Philips Miniwatt AX and Siemens. AX. 
12AX7 is very different than the 12AU7 and each serves a different purpose. AX7 is a high gain tube often used to drive the output tubes in an amp. The 12AU7 is the soul of the amp or preamp; it produces most of the sonic signature.
Due to the AX7's high gain they may have increased noise compared to other tubes. You should always request low-noise tubes. The dealer tests each tube for noise.

Longplates may be more open with better dynamics. They also may have better bass performance. These are early production tubes from the 1940s and 50s.
Short plates are 2nd generation and were designed to be less susceptible to microphonics. With some brands you may not hear a difference between the two. But some brands such as RCA will have noticeably different sound. Blackplates (long) are more lush, have a bigger soundstage and are more dynamic than short grey plates.

In the process of testing Philips miniwatt ax's,, Sylavnia, and have some rebranded Siemens arriving next week. 
Trying to get a  few RCA's long black plates. 
will take some months to gather some opinions. 
as the preamp distorts the fq's, its pretty hard to get a  solid opinion.
I really need to get the cayin SC6 to gather solid evidence as to how each tube voices the fq's. 
Right now, i am of the opinion ~~~most every old stock tube are very close in voicing, with only a  subtle dif, = meaning , why spend $$$$$ ona  old tube,w hen others can be had for less than 1/2 the price?
~~My 2nd opinion, not based on solid evidence as yet, is that the ~~~Siemens may offer the finest nuances in mids/highs~~ That not by much,,,raisiing the Q<<Is it really worth it  to pay near $100 fora   old stock AX tube?
I should confess right here, that my hearing is not perfect, thus limiting my ability to hear the slightest nuances in the ax's. 
The refinery where work, hgavea  hearing test, which showed i have loss in registering the highest fq's. 
balancing out this hearing loss is my experience of some 30 yrs in speaker shootouts. 
I know what high fidelity is, and what lacks. 
My system is a  class B sound,, But hope to bring it to Class A/B by the end of this year. 
The Defy is certainly the star of the show, requiring all back up support to come up to Class A/B. 
The Thors need new xovers. 
The cayin Cd17 is about to go off to Richard Grey's shop for new caps. along with the solid copper posts, etc etc.
I have my work cut out and will post YT vids as these mods are employed. 

The mic in this cheap camera, is holding back what is being presented in the room, yet you should be able to hear how poor the preamp is voicing the entire system, 
Which leads to this conclusion. 
~~The weakest link/unit in your system, will hold <<Center Stage Spot light>>, IOW the <<singer>> in my system is the Lite LS9 Preamp. 
The weakest ubit in your system will produce the colration to the entire system. 

Ck ourt all the Jadis systems at Audio Exhibitions, the rooms have 100K Jadis sets ups, and yet the sound comes across as class C, if not class D. 
Why is this?
The speakers Jadis employs in these audio shows are class D speakers. 
So although the jadis units are all Class AAA, by employing Class D speakers, the system is  dragged down to ~~~Class D sound~~~
