Lyra Atlas SL Cartridge Magnet type??

The Lyra Atlas SL, search all over the Internet, can’t seem to find the type of magnet being use on the cart. Any members have info. on this, can you advise?  Much appreciated!

Yes... i did call the distributor ( Audioquest ),  they have no idea what kind (type) of magnet being use to built the cartridge.  
Intactaudio...  “I am currently in the process of trying the exact same cartridge structure with Alnico 5, Samarium Cobalt and Neo to see what happens.” 

Can you report back on this matter.  I honestly want to know what the results are and see if one type of magnet does dictate the sound quality.  
Got an answer back from the manufacture:

From Jonathan Carr, designer of all Lyra cartridges:

All of our present cartridges use disc-shaped Neodymium 52 magnets. They are disc shaped because my goal is to create an axially symmetrical magnetic field.

Rather than being molded (as is usually the case with neodymium magnets), our magnets are machined, because this gives us higher-quality magnets with more consistent flux density across their surface.

The coil wire is 6-nine purity copper.

The cantilever is a diamond-coated solid boron rod with short one-point wire suspension, directly mounted into cartridge body via high-pressure knife-edge system.

kind regards, jonathan

@zipost   The reply you received is exactly why I opted for one of Jonathan's designs. IMHO, his designs are far more advanced than just about anyone out there. For example, the old motor design of Koetsu's, VDH's and Kiseki's etc is really no longer competitive, IMO.
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davef.... can you advise on this matters? Looking to purchase a cart for my next project. 5 carts to pick from the list for my Forsell Ref 2 air tangent turntable. All will work; compliance & phono stage are not an issue.  My phono stage can take a low mc. 

1) Lyra Atlas sl
2) Koetsu Coral Platinum
3) Airtight opus 1
4) Jan Allaerts mc2 finished gold
5) xyz universal diamond

Which carts do you like on this list. Please advise?