Jazze22: TAS 1/07 under 2006 Product(s) of the Year Awards lists the Budget Component of the Year for '06 as the Oppo DV-970HD (149.US).
TAS magazine also features an article by Chris Martens , p.26 regarding the Oppo. Based on the glowing review I purchased the DV-970HD which supports DVD-audio/Video,SACD,HDCD and CD and provides HDMIoutputs w/ 720p/1080i upconversion directly from www.Oppo.com .
I then compaired the Oppo to a fully out-rigged EAD combo that initially retailed for approx.$5K(US). The Oppo in-terms of sonic layering ,soundstage & presence thrashed the EAD no small feat in my book.
If you have not already made up you mind buy the 970 and pocket the savings.