Anthem MCA 325 or Rotel 1582 with B&W CM10

Hello Members,

I need some advice on upgrading my amp for my setup. Currently I have the Rotel 1582 MkII powering B&W CM10 S2s and Anthem MRX 720 powering the CM Center 2 S2 and CM1 S2s for surrounds. Would I benefit if I upgrade the Rotel to an Anthem MCA 325 so I can power the center channel and front LR with it? The power is 200/ ch Rotel vs 225/ch Anthem. Thought it’s not a much difference for the L/R, only the Center would get 225w vs 140w from the MRX 720. I’m buying the Anthem used, so I’ll be spending around $500 more after I sell my Rotel. Should I just stick with my current system? Or spending ~$500 justifies the difference it makes?
Not yet. I missed on a good deal on a MCA-325 because I wasn’t sure if it was worth the upgrade. On the lookout for another one... also I want to get an amp that can reduce the brightness on my CM 10s, it’s not too much but on some music it’s a tad bit bright. I might like it less. May be a Parasound Halo 21/31. 
I’d go with Parasound if I were you too. I had the MCA 225 with the 702s2 and didn’t like it. The Parasound A21 was much better in my opinion. Tighter deeper bass and more musical. I found the Anthem too boomy / uncontrolled in the bass. I could live with it for HT probably but not 2 channel.
If you want Anthem, I’d go with the A2 or A5. I briefly had one before getting a Pass Labs amp and I do remember liking it.
A2/ A5 are not on my budget. The reason I was interested in MCA amp is because I thought they would pair well with MRX-720 that I have. I’ll look for a Parasound then. Also, right now it’s 70%-80% HT since I don’t usually get a chance to listen to 2 ch. without any disturbances in my living room - kids and family.
After all I said, I ended up purchasing an Anthem MCA 50 for my home theater. After trying a few amplifiers, it really is a solid amp when you look at build quality and price / performance. I think I would like the 5 channel Parasound better but it would cost probably 2.5x as much