@fruitloopsr, as you may realize lots of people successfully use power amplifiers having unregulated power supplies in conjunction with electrostatic speakers, the comments at Mr. Sanders’ website notwithstanding. Not to mention that there aren’t very many power amplifiers that have regulated supplies, at least for their power stages.
Also, one further comment regarding the possibility of going with a tube amp. The output impedances of various tube amps vary widely, and I believe it would be preferable to limit your considerations of tube amps to those having relatively low output impedances, meaning damping factors of at least 8 or so. Most and perhaps all Audio Research tube amps are among those which meet that criterion.
-- Al
Also, one further comment regarding the possibility of going with a tube amp. The output impedances of various tube amps vary widely, and I believe it would be preferable to limit your considerations of tube amps to those having relatively low output impedances, meaning damping factors of at least 8 or so. Most and perhaps all Audio Research tube amps are among those which meet that criterion.
-- Al