Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?

I've been experimenting with different cables between components. Nothing sounds right since trying to improve sound with new mix of cables. There is no bass and boring, highs are okay but life is gone from system. So I flipped everything back the way it was still sound horrible. Ran everything 24/7 for a couple days still no go. Let it run a couple more days dynamics are back and bass is full big and has tone again and enjoyable to listen to. Can someone tell me why this happens. I've also moved just speaker cables around without unhooking them and seen this happen, I don't get it.
You nailed it @steakster !! Audiozenology and AtDavid is the same exact person. Likely AtDavid was kicked out, then immediately created a new handle, now Audiozenolgy. 
Now... prove me wrong @atdavid, and post here under your “old” handle. I will eat crow, and declare Ethan Winer right here as the best audiophile ever
Post removed 
The frequently wrong audiozenology writes:
I have yet to have someone show me to be "frequently wrong". 
I stick to claim that I can support with evidence based in research, science, and engineering.

Oh, really? Same guy:
My "intuition" does not suggest otherwise.
What seems to escape some people is the holes in their own knowledge and ability. 
there is no difference between "pseudointellectual" and "intellectual"

and my favorite:
I am not "average", I am Superhuman!! My words have far more value than anyone else's!
Well, all righty then.

The question is, why are a certain groups of people so threatened by me?

Wrong again. Not threatened. Annoyed.
Post removed 

“And some of us, like douglas_schoeder and myself, have been involved in the setup, design, and testing, of 100’s of audio systems”

- Logical Fallacy of quantity and logical fallacy of experience. The attempt to use large quantities or years of experience to win arguments.

“or maybe analyzed high hundreds of variants of audio products during the R&D phase (or both),”

- Logical fallacy of using technical terminology to snow the audience + quantity argument again. R&D phase. Gimme a break!

“and back it up with a solid technical background,”

- Logical fallacy of technical superiority. Not all technical people agree, for one thing, that would be silly. “Solid” is not a technical term anyway

“keep up to date on related topics including psychoacoustics”

- The Appeal to other sciences, my knowledge trumps your knowledge. Logical fallacies.

“and developments in understanding human hearing and processing,”

- Ah, neuroscience, too. This could also be called, “throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the argument.”

“and engage a broad technical community.”

- I’m not sure what illogical fallacy this is but it’s something

Maybe we have been doing that for decades.

- Logical fallacy of experience; similar to: “I’ve been in this hobby for 40 years and blah, blah, blah.”