Vinyl cleaning and alcohol


What is the latest truth about alcohol being harmful or not harmful to vinyles?
I'v read that yiu should never use alcohol in the cleaning solution because of "this and that". I've never read anyone saying; "I've destroyed all my vinyls due to alcohol in the cleaning solution". On the other hand I have read several posts saying that they have been using alcohol for 5, 10 even 20 years without hearing any degeneration of the vinyles.

I got worried after have been cleaning all my best old vinyles with Okki Nokki cleaning fluid, so I searched the net for facts. I found hypotheses why alcohol is harmful and statements that it's not.

So what is the truth? 

I don't know what is in that Fisher Scientific Versa-Clean formulation but I believe it is designed for glassware. Personally I wouldn't use it on LPs but if it works for some people it might be ok.

I wouldn't worry too much about the plasticizers. As long as you don't soak your LPs for excessively long periods of time, they should be ok. The surface of an LP could loose some plasticizer but it would take a lot of exposure to totally remove plasticizers from the bulk of the LP. 

I always tried to take the simplest approach to cleaning LPs, distilled water and isopropyl alcohol. If the LP is really dirty (especially oils from finger prints) than use a commercial cleaner or an ultrasonic cleaner. Some of these cleaners can cause more problems than they solve. 
Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) does an excellent job and is quite safe unless mis-used. Do a Web search on "vinyl chemical compatibility". There is lot's of information available for those willing to do a little homework. Here's one chart:

You'll want to use the purest IPA. It is available 99% pure.Here's what I use:
I mix 1.3 cups of the above along with 0.9 tablespoons of Ilford Ilfotol photographic rinse agent in ~ 3.3 gallons of distilled water in my Elmasonc P120h USC. 

The IPA+Ilfotol+Distilled H20 gives a very 'clean' solution, measuring at 0000-0001ppm total dissolved solids (TDS).

If you're considering chemicals such as Versa-Clean, it's wise to check TDS.  Same for disinfectants. They add more to a solution than you'll take off a record.  Keep in mind that anything in the water on the record when it dries will be left on the record.

If you're thinking about using L'Art du Son, be aware that this is not really a cleaning agent.  In reality it is a  coating for the record surface not unlike Gruv Glide to "lubricate the groove".  It will leave a nice and shiny coat. Thanks but I"ll pass. YMMV.

Regarding Versa-Clean's high TDH ...... It is recommend to do, as terry9 says, " heroic rinsing". The L'Art du Son is pricey and has a limited shelf life.
@ jtimothya
About L'Art du Son: As long it's not harmfull for the vinyle and the result is good, what's the problem?
Regarding Versa-Clean’s high TDH ...... It is recommend to do, as terry9 says, " heroic rinsing".

No doubt. Using the solution formula I outlined gets records clean without need for a packaged product.

If the solution used is clean after records are washed then rinsing is not needed. Filtering that solution during the cleaning cycle will keep it clean and rinsing becomes an unecessary step. Take a look at the article referenced in the last link in my post for measurements and more info on this approach.