New Magico Speaker the Q3

Well am sure this speaker is well out of my price range but it looks pretty nice. Does anyone know what the retail price is?


Specs (use need to scroll over the picture to see the specs)
the Q3 looks very interesting to me but I have a big concern:

looking at the inner pictures of the Q5 & Q3 one can see all this aluminium pieces with littles holes ... are these for screws that are fixing it together ?

if they are using screws to fix the parts together how can they be sure that these screws won't suffer suffer under the vibrations and become sooner or later loose ???
Despite a projected rrp of USD34k I would expect real price when they hit the market (after inclusive of marketing $$$ etc.) to be more realistically around 38-40k. Studying from late Mini right through M6, and most recently their Q5 pre post launch pricing.
And yes, I too am a little wary of Clavil's concern. Where they are a believer of screws/bolts get loose over time, hence made in their V3 visible for easy/practical periodic tightening, here are something new (Q series) with hundreds of threaded innards which seems to be quite a feat (even if possible) for self maintenance. Well, unless they have figured out ways and are soldered in some ways for perpetual perfect retention.