Long Live 2 Channel audio......???

5, 10, or even 20 years from now; Will the 2 Channel audio be around and survive? We music lovers, audiophiles use to say; Never would I merge home theater with my dedicated hi-end just audio system. Is it becuse of space, convenience, dollars, or lack of time to relax and close our self in the room and just listen to music. I have both systems and plan to keep it that way. Home theater is great but still nothing can beat a state of the art 2 channel audio system when you want to enjoy the music.
I'm one of those guys who does HT on a pretty grand scale. Jadis 7 mk4 runs the fronts;Music Ref does the center(bi amped/bi wired) Moscode 600 does the rears. The fronts go thru my CAT 3.close to 50 tubes in all;driving Aerial 10 t's. This in not chopped liver. The sound from the DVD medium is just that good,so the music within the movies is 'that' good. Oh,I do vinyl too.Exposure to the music in films will entice some to become audiophiles,we all started somewhere.I belive the two can coexist.The HT boom has helped the mfg's and the dealers.Out of that total,some will want more/better.We keep seeing questions;how to/ from the people who got in at a reciever level,and wanting to move up to better 2'channel So my opinion says,YES,2 channel WILL still be here. I have no choice on 2 levels :#1: I know how good my 2channel sounds & want the best I have doing my HT #2 I only have one room anyway.
Yes, long live 2 channel audio! It amazes me that some typical "surround-for-music" buffs, or their leader J Gordon Holt, seem to look down on the rest of us music lovers, simply for our enjoyment of the two channel format. Personally, I feel that many staunch advocates of surround music, don't even know how to set up a two channel system in a room properly, in the first place...much less a 5 or more channel one.
Long live what sounds best to you! I've got good equipment for both... for me. Krell and Aerial speakers, incl 10Ts. And I do know how to set up 2 ch! 5 ch is a bitch, and I don't think I will ever have it set up right. Well, maybe after some room treatments I will have it right. I know stereo imaging quite well, but how does that translate into 5 ch? Will I ever know which I prefer for rears, bipole, dipole, or monopole. Lots of variables!
You have to use room treatment to set up 2 channel correctly too, IM strongest O.
I think for folks who are serious movie buffs, 5 or even 6 channels do make watching the more recently made movies a more enjoyable experience. However, for those of us who are die-hard classical music fans, the program materials just are not there. I just may convert my system in the living room (the secondary system) to HT just to make my wife happy. But that system will never be my best system. By the way, I have four stereo systems at my house.