Has all decency left the entire planet?

Dave, I had (R.I.P.) a longtime friend who, after retiring from Hewlett Packard, spent his days playing computer chess and recording himself performing J.S. Bach keyboard works on his German-made upright. Bach's music alone can take an entire lifetime to absorb and come to appreciate fully.  
It’s obviously too late for the person(s) responsible for this but it does increasingly look like educational strategies need to be looked again at with fresh eyes - especially in light of the tremendous changes we have seen in the last 25 years or so.

Social media may well be having a terrible dehumanising effect upon our generation. It’s too early to be certain, but there are plenty of signs already.

A good start might be to ensure that all perpetrators of aggressive violent acts should be made intimately familiar with the feelings and thoughts of their victims (friends and families included).

It’s also a pity that better preventative measures were not put in place. After the Notre Dame fire last year and the 2008 one at Universal Studios, it almost seems as if respect for history is fast becoming an early casualty of all this change.

I’m usually in favour of some iconoclastic behaviour - but this kind of thoughtless idiocy is going too far.

I also attribute some of this behavior to what passes for parenting these days. Now get off my damn lawn. 
Parenting is easy. In theory.
You just have to get your children from birth to adulthood where they will be able to meet all the various demands for a successful existence.

1 Understand how their environment works
2 How their bodies work
3 How to get enough money to comfortably pay their way in life
4 How relationships work.

and perhaps the most important one,

5 How to assemble a cost effective satisfying Hi-Fi system.

Tricky, to say the least.

*Bear in mind also that it’s a big mistake to rely upon education systems to do the work for you as they usually fail to deliver on most counts.
True , but not in Germany . It is harder to get into the  elementary teacher program  in a German University  than Medical  School .

Of course the parents still have the greatest  duty .