Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?
 Thank you for your thoughts on the Phoenix reclocker. I have an Innuos ZENith mk2 SE and have been considering the Statement or adding the Phoenix to my mk2 SE. After doing the math ie... cost of the ZENith mk2 SE + Phoenix + an additional USB + additional powercord + footers, the total cost is close to that of a Statement. I'm really on the fence here. I did talk with someone who has owned the ZENith mk2 SE and now owns the Statement and he told me to go for the Statement because of the additional power supply.

Any more users of the Phoenix care to share?  
Hey @ron17 —- It seems like you have already done the math here. And since you have the previous generation of Zenith, I agree with you: go for the mighty Statement 

keoliphant85 posts02-12-2020 8:07am@audiotroy Any updates on this product?

I am guessing they cannot keep up with the demand for Phoenix USB.

Or maybe are having trouble with a supplier for one (or a few) of their components.

I have not seen any recent post online in the past month or so from people who have received, and have seen no hands-on professional reviews.