What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
I have heard a lot of cables and owned many usb cables  
the Final Touch Audio Callisto  USB cable is very reasonable at retail $850 
is a Great cable Never have I ever put a usb cable in that was like a good component upgrade against the wire world platinum 7, and Lightspeed 
neither had the realism soundstage width and depth and rich realism .
Lampizator US is the distributor.  Read the reviews online ,and then check it out 
 they may even give you a week to audition it , a They don’t tell you what makes it special but  to my knowledge the Only ones Thst sourse a special Copper 
with a minimum of both Silver,and a Gold content  which is very limited
then Hammered to the diameter which also changes the grain structure like a Katana sword, nothing else is disclosed . This in my opinion is why it sounds so 
special from Any other USB  cable I have Ever heard .Well worth  checking out.
To those who do not believe a cable makes a difference, I ask you what properties make any component better than another?

Or I ask you to describe the difference you hear between one component and another?

For the engineers I ask how far can you see into an electric current to tell if it is good or not? If you say oscilloscope, then I say look at your zeros and ones and notice if there are 90 degree angles. 

Also Lampizator are great DACs. Maybe not for a system that already has a bunch of tube components, but for a solid state system like mine I like them a lot and I have had more than my fair share of DACs over the years. 
Rob from Lampizator North America is great to work with and he will even see to it that a DAC you order is customized to your specifications too. Plus, what other DAC company will take one of their own as trade at full retail price?
I can vouch for and highly recommend the original Curious.
Have used it with a Chord Qutest first with a Melco N1A and more recently with a Roon Nucleus.
Been well reviewed from the likes of Darko, HIFI-Advice and Audio Bacon.
By the way, I am not an engineer, I am a financial planner. So if what I wrote in my previous post is incorrect then I will just instead say that it is my opinion. Also, to those who do not believe cables make a difference stop calling those that can hear the difference foolish. How many fools can go around buying this type of equipment for very long? The answer is none of them. These are by and large very well educated people who have succeeded in life as a result of their intelligence and enjoy their  hobby. If you find pleasure in criticizing others that do enjoy their hobby it means that you need to find a different hobby that brings you happiness and that this is not the right hobby for you.