Strong bass causing buzzing behind the wall

I've got a spot in my new listening room (in the basement) where there is a drywall wrap around some hvac ducting along one of the side walls at the ceiling. The drywall is installed over thin aluminum framing. When I play music with strong bass (e.g. Jennifer Warnes "Way Down Deep"), I can hear buzzing in the wall. I set up REW to generate a sine wave around 50Hz and I can easily cause the buzzing. 

The good news is that pushing on the drywall in a particular place will cause the buzzing to stop. So I'm trying to figure out the best way to fix this. I was thinking of drilling a small hole and spraying some expanding foam insulation. Something like this:

But I'm not confident that this will stop whatever is vibrating, and once this stuff is in, it might be harder to deal with the issue another way. 

Any ideas? Thanks.
Expansion is only a problem when there's nowhere to expand into. Duh.

Which was covered in the original.

Reading comprehension. Reasoning skills. Marvelous. Highly recommended.
jaytor OP
Strong bass causing buzzing behind the wall

Find where it’s rattling by placing your hand on the drywall playing the music that sets it off.
This will be the spot where you have to fill the square inside made up of the "studs" and "noggins" see link

The distance between the "studs" are around 20" and the distance between the "noggins" around 18" or the other way round.

This is the square you have to fill with the expanding foam, make a hole in the drywall to put the nozzle in and squirt the foam up and down inside in for about 6-8secs only, should be enough, then fix or hang something over the hole.

Cheers George
I've used this foam insulation spray on different occasions, and I'm going to have to call BS.  It does not exert pressure when it expands as jetter suggests.  Look up the "Great Stuff Pro" ad copy and you'll see they specifically say it, "expands to fill gap without distorting frame" for windows and doors.

I'm afraid that his window installers either didn't know what they were talking about or were covering for poorly constructed windows.  Or they were poorly installed.