Experience with North Creek Speakers

I was reading some old audiogon forums and found a speaker company named North Creek. Their speakers seems quite interesting. I was wondering about individuals experience with their floor standers. Thanks, Steve
Own North Creek Catamounts (Revelator Signature) with Lee Taylor cabinets. Cost about $4,200 shipped and compare, in my experience, to high-end two-ways in the 8-12k range. The Scanspeak Revelator drivers are superb; same for the crossovers parts. Cabinets were hefty, well built and finished, although perhaps not as refined looking as some other high-end MDF/veneer cabinets. Sound gorgeous with Pass XA30.5 (used to run with BAT VT60, but prefer the new amplifier by far). Would purchase again in a second, accepting the inherent limitations (and benefits) of a two-way. Occasionally think of buying a pair of Rhythms for more bottom end, but afraid of losing the Catamounts' detail and soundstaging--it's an incredibly balanced and well behaved speaker. Good luck.
As all of you must know, Norths are hard to audition. (One reason I'm hesitant to go with them when I move from my Eskas). I wonder if people would like to get a home audition list going here? I'm in st. Louis, and would be happy for people to check out my Eskas.

If you're around the SE Michigan area there is a nice pair of Rythmns for sale on Craigslist. I'm in no way affiliated with the seller

ordered a rhythm kit a few years ago, which was a bit of a gamble, as I'm from south africa. best move I've ever made regarding my audio system. haven't even thought of upgrading, but if I'd ever considered an additional set up, the speakers would come from george short...