fair complaint about Audiogon, violating no guidelines, removed

earlier today I posted complaint about this site, violating no guidelines, mentioning no party in particular, using no profane language....nice discussion ensued, then TAKEN  DOWN  by website!!!!
Funny....they deleted my (inane) post, in a series of posts putting them down for deleting posts.  Gotta love the hypocrisy.   
Hi Mitch, the radio I bought has the (older) manual tuner (like the models 1 and 2) and it has remarkable reception. Late at night I get stations that are even More distant. I "later" bought the expensive ($600 retail) model stereo Digital-Tuning
radio with BOTH L+R speakers and subwoofer built in. It also sounds good, but I had to get a dedicated outdoor FM-antenna installed (about $100 plus installation) because the reception was admittedly dreadful with the included T-antenna. AFTER That it almost reached  the same performance as the "basic" models. The #3 is the one with the clock, a ST/Mono switch, a sub-out jack and ST- speaker output. You can also hook up your computer for many more stations. I use a Y-cable so I have TWO subs on either night-stand plus of course the other stereo speaker. It sounds very natural, although Beethoven #5 is a little too challenging (a bit muddled) for a 3.5in. full-range driver and a 5in. subwoofer. But pop, rock, and especially jazz all work well. Also I can't comment on their current models being better or worse. The older models are still available, but I would try to get an unused (NOS) piece.
Mine is an older Model One, must be a lemon.  Maybe I should look inside for a loose tuner wire.
The knee jerk editorial reactions by the moderators to slightest objections whether warranted or not by some of the oh so sensitive complainers is becoming ludicrous. Trying to get clarification or content republished is not made easy, and often times not responded to. The arbitrary censorship is becoming more and more frequent. It used to be better here.
Dear Mitch2,
I didn't want to say the radio was without its faults. Truth is, the Manual Tuner has one major drawback (in my experience- I'm on my 3rd model over 15 years). Dust and/or wear and tear takes its toll in the form of excess noise when tuning in stations (and in-between, too). By tuning (with the Vol. turned down) back and forth 3-4 times all the way from one end to the other, the noise will dissipate for awhile. But the more you use the tuner the worse it gets. I give my older one away (still works of course) and just go on the internet and get another (for about $100). Of course you have the Internal/Ext.Antenna switch on the back as another option. But maybe you can fix the tuner if you go inside.