Some years ago, I wanted to transfer a reel-to-reel tape of some privately-made demo music onto a digital medium (CD, at that time). The tape had been recorded in a legitimate recording studio associated with a radio station. Not knowing anyone with a reel-to-reel machine, I found a friend of a friend of a friend that worked in that same radio station. He told me I got lucky to come then and not the year that would follow. They still had one functioning machine to play my tape and they were using it to digitize their collection. Once that one broke, he said, I would be out of luck. All the other machines had broken down over time and they had no interest in repairing them. Who knows if the format we are preserving things "for all time" will be viable in fifteen years.
"...transfer much of it to CDR to preserve for all time."If CDR is CR-Recordable, be quick and remember that those discs are prone to failure.
Some years ago, I wanted to transfer a reel-to-reel tape of some privately-made demo music onto a digital medium (CD, at that time). The tape had been recorded in a legitimate recording studio associated with a radio station. Not knowing anyone with a reel-to-reel machine, I found a friend of a friend of a friend that worked in that same radio station. He told me I got lucky to come then and not the year that would follow. They still had one functioning machine to play my tape and they were using it to digitize their collection. Once that one broke, he said, I would be out of luck. All the other machines had broken down over time and they had no interest in repairing them. Who knows if the format we are preserving things "for all time" will be viable in fifteen years.