Hello again. My last post was in August when I talked about my newly acquired CS6's and the fact that one of them had a woofer with a dented dust cap. Tom and a couple other members gave some advise about using a vacuum cleaner or tape (Ron G. recommended the same things) but none of that worked. Whatever material that cone is made of is very stiff and didn't want to move. Due to my audiophile OCD I was seriously considering getting it repaired even though it sounded OK.
Well, through sheer stupidity and carelessness, I solved the problem. I was hooking up my Denon Blu Ray player to my PS Audio DAC and didn't mute the preamp. I sent a few seconds of loud digital hash through the speakers and blew one of the woofers. Fortunately the woofer that fried was the one with the dent. I called Ron at CSS and he patiently helped me through the process to get the woofer removed and sent in for repair. When I finally got it sent to him the turnaround was very fast. My speakers were out of commission for the last few months but last week I reinstalled the rebuilt driver and my CS6's are back in action!
In the meantime I worked my way through this entire thread and I have to say that this has been like a 400 level course on speaker design and construction (not to mention amps, cables, etc). Virtually all of the discourse has been constructive and based on first-hand experience. Thanks so much to Tom and the other knowledgeable participants in this forum. This has made me appreciate my Thiels (and Thiel owners) even more.
BTW, SNs are 1537 & 1538, Morado finish.
I will make some subsequent posts regarding my amateur speaker surgery and other relevant observations but again, thanks to all who have generously contributed your experience and knowledge. This is hands-down the best audio discussion I have ever seen in my 40+ years of this hobby.