Before spending any money get the Oppo on a different circuit
make sure the stereo circuits are all on a different leg of your power panel than large loads w motors
make sure panel connects and grounds are clean and tight ( quality electricians maybe needed ) replace old worn 15 and 20 A breakers as needed. IF you have wall warts or a PC get them away from analog
:-) try that first....
also all the trash producers ( switchpower supplies, clocks, DAC’s) into a $500 Furman on mentioned dedicated circuit will do wonders
make sure the stereo circuits are all on a different leg of your power panel than large loads w motors
make sure panel connects and grounds are clean and tight ( quality electricians maybe needed ) replace old worn 15 and 20 A breakers as needed. IF you have wall warts or a PC get them away from analog
:-) try that first....
also all the trash producers ( switchpower supplies, clocks, DAC’s) into a $500 Furman on mentioned dedicated circuit will do wonders