New tube preamp


I'm thinking of replacing my PS Audio BHK Signature preamp and was wondering if anyone has listened to the Supratek Cabernet 6SN7 and or the Linear Tube Audio Microzotl preamps or the LTA MZ3, from what I've read the preamp in both of the LTA's are identical. Both are very reasonably priced (under $5000.00) and both are tube designs. For the money they are both supposed to be giant killers. Thank you.

Sounds like a lot of what you’re looking for might be achieved with tube rolling. I’m far from an expert, but when you mention tone it makes me think you want more of what people refer to as old school tube warmth that more modern tube designs have largely eschewed in favor of a leaner, more neutral character. I’m not sure the BHK hybrid design lends itself to big shifts with tube rolling, but maybe one of the experienced tubeheads can suggest more pliable designs and tube combos for you. You may even want to pick a preamp based on the type of tubes it uses. 

Appreciate your thoughts.

In my BHK preamp I got rid of the stock tubes after about 300 hours (which weren't bad) and put in some older nos Telefunken 12AU7's from the early 1960's and that made a truly unbelievable difference, it was like I went out and bought a new preamp, it completely transformed it. Once you've heard a good nos quality tube in that circuit there's no going back. Well worth the ridiculous prices they're getting for these older nos high end tubes you see on Audiogon and Ebay nowadays.

The more I read about tube preamp designs the more I find that a lot of people out there feel the 6SN7 is the best sounding tube to incorporate in a preamp for sound quality, when the rest of the circuit is executed  properly of coarse.

The two tube pre's I'm looking at (LTA Microzotl & Suprateek Cabernet) are both designed around the 6SN7 tube and both are supposed to have beautiful tonal color with accurate timbre which is exactly the qualities I'm looking for, among others.

The Coda 07X wasn't even on my radar until I talked to Terry London (teajay) who's opinions I value. He posts on this forum a lot and really has a lot of experience and an ear I trust and value. He's a reviewer and has heard more preamps over that last few decades than I could ever hope to hear. When I needed help with a cd transport I emailed Terry and he suggested a Jay's Audio CDT2. He described the sound quality and the build quality as being the best bang for the buck that he's heard in his system. He compared it to several other transports costing 2 - 3 times as much and the Jay's Audio costs and was very impressed with it and recommended it to me. I bought one and couldn't be happier. His description of the sound quality was spot on and the thing is built like a tank. When he told me about the Coda 07X he said it surprised him. He is not a solid state kinda guy when it comes to preamps yet he kept an open mind and allowed the company to send him one for an upcoming review (he's a professional reviewer for several online magazines). He said the thing was amazing. He claims it has beautiful tonal color and accurate timbre, and may be the best he's ever heard for a solid state preamp. He said it basically had all the best qualities of both a solid state and a tube preamp and we all know how rare and hard to find that is! I now want to hear one in my system. If I do I will let you know.  

I have only limited experience with the specific pieces of gear you have in your system: the Kubala cables, just barely left of dead neutral and superbly transparent. The Pass xa30.8 is an exceptional amp. Before you dump the PS Audio preamp, which Ive admittedly never seen or heard, you may wish to try some different tubes. Ive listened to alot of 12au7’s through the years and the Telefunkens are not among my favorites for tone or texture. Could I suggest you drop in some NOS Cifte’s/Mazda’s for a more illuminating presentation or NOS Mullard’s/Brimar’s for a more fullsome, tonally saturated presentation.

No offense intended but you have such a variety of gear there that I would venture to guess that no one can assist you more than to blind guess along with you. I must admit though that Ive never heard of are the first....who drives a Pass Labs XA amp with a PS Audio preamp. I use Audio Research in my main system and when I had a Pass Labs XA amp I drove it with a Ref5se and it was a terrific combo.

Good luck.
Several have recommended de Havilland as I listen to my Mercury 3 from Kara.  Terrific stuff!  Her preamp replaced my Manley Neo-Classic 300B with Taketsuki tubes, no slouch.  I recently reviewed it here, gave my impressions of the preamp and listed my system.
Given your stated priorities I’d reiterate my prior recommendation for the Don Sachs Custom Linestage. At $2500 with all options and a 14-day trial period it’s an attractive package. Someone who responded to another thread had a friend with both the Sachs and MicroZOTL preamps, and although both were excellent the Sachs had a little more tonally rich, which would seem to lean more to your tastes.  FWIW and best of luck.