Low Cost DACs

Currently I have my laptop connected directly via 1/8 jack from headphone outlet into 2 RCAs directly into my tube amp. Quality of sound is lacking to say the least!
I am considering adding an inexpensive DAC ( iFi AUDIO nano iDSD LE Portable DAC  or iFi Audio nano iOne DAC ) into the stream between the laptop & amp.My question is: will this influence the overall sound I'll hear out of my speakers? Will adding such a DAC help to increase the quality of sound produced by the system?
I'm not interested in spending a lot of money on a DAC as this is a source that I don't use as much as some others already in the system.
WOW! Wish I had read this an hour ago as I just ordered the Modi 3. Guess I could change the order still but perhaps they will allow me to upgrade within a short time.I went back & forth all week-end and figured as this is my first external DAC I might as well start here and upgrade as needed.Pandora isn't bad but my biggest complaint is there's no regulation of volume between different songs. For the most part they sound good but one song may be louder than the next! frustrating to say the least. I guess at $10.00 per month what should I expect, but still!I'll look into Qobuz. I've been aware of them but haven't paid too much attention. May end up with TIDAL if I get off the 'cheap" wagon!Thanks for the well wishes!
I've used Schiit DACs for the last 6 yrs and upgraded to the Bifrost 2 and am very satisfied.  I listen to Spotify with my MacBook Air and have compared it many times to cd playback and to my ears it is better, of course they all depend on recordings. I love that Schiit builds their DACs to be upgraded especially the new Bifrost 2.....
FYI, Qobuz offers a free month trial so you can compare directly to Pandora. For 5 bucks more per month I think it’s a no brained.  I switched from Tidal to Qobuz and am very happy with the sound quality, music selection, interface, and and features.  I’d also highly recommend you compare the Modi 3 to the Multibit if you can. Schiit’s best DACs are multibit, which should tell you something. Either way, an external DAC is going to be a huge improvement over what you’re listening to now. Enjoy!
Musical Fidelity makes the V-90 DAC. New sells for 299.00. Should be able to pick one up used. Stereophile rated “B” at one time
So as I stated I did order the Schiit Modi 3. Looking forward to hearing a huge difference.My next question is how are you all connecting your DACs to your laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone? I guess obviously USB to USB is about all that is available, but are you using high cost USB cables from The Cable Company or just general cables from Staples? How much difference do you think this makes? I've played with cables over the years and yes, some cables do make some difference. But spending more than a couple of hundred dollars on interconnects is, to me, a bit ridiculous!