Mark Levinson 432 vs 532 vs 532H

Can anyone tell me the main difference in sound from these?
I have heard 532H at home, and I loved the sound, but I wonder if 432 is a better buy for the same price?
Congratulations on your new No. 532. I know there are probably a lot of great or maybe even better power amplifiers out there but No. 532 is absolutely my holy grail amplifier. Enjoy.  
Those of you who have heard or have the 532H or 533H, are you still loving it? I am debating on the 532H vs the new Krell Duo 300 with Aerial Acoustics 7B's
The good deal Levinson amps are the 400 series which everyone bitched and complained that they used proceed parts. Good sounding amps that stack up well to a 532H and you can get a 431 for under 2 grand. 
Hi Glasgow,

This may not answer your specific question but I still hope it helps. I attended a Chicago audio society event and the system was this:

Sonus faber Amati Futura speakers.
Kubala Sosna Emotion speaker wires and interconnects.
Mark Levinson 432 stereo amplifier
some homemade preamp from a guy named
Harry Paller was introducing to the public which was the reason for the event
this preamp had a retail price of $2500.00 and
was solid state and when it comes to preamps I’m
a died in the wool tube guy.
source was an Esoteric CD player that sold for $5000.00.

I was very familiar with all the gear with the obvious exception 
of the preamp and let me tell you.

That system was spectacular. It was one of the best systems I have ever heard and the audio store hosting the event was owned by one of my closest friends and I hang out at his store a lot and have had the opportunity to hear a lot of gear. Until that day, I NEVER fully realized how good that Levinson amp was. It truly made me realize that that amp was a giant killer. At the time the retail on that amp was $8000.00. 400 wpc into 8 ohms and 800 into 4 ohms so it will drive any speaker on the planet. I was most shocked at the beauty and the musicality of that system. It was simply mesmerizing! Guys are usually not listening closely and talking to the guy sitting next to them and this was a packed room, at least 50-60 guys and when the music was playing NO ONE SAID A WORD!
