Revel Gems v1 vs Krell Lat 2's

I am looking at getting a pair of monitor speakers for my system. My budget is $3000.00 to $4000.00. I have been looking at the Revel Gems version 1 and the Krell Lat 2's for awhile now and I cannot decide on which to purchase. I have read just about everything available on them but that only gets you so far. Never having heard the Krells and only trying to remember what the Gems sound like from 8 years ago is difficult. I would greatly appreciate any advice from the Audiogon crowd regarding these speakers.

My system for running the speakers will be:

Harman Kardon HK990 Integrated amp. 150/300 watts 8/4ohm.
(This Integrated sounds better than some I have owned at twice the price)

Harman Kardon HD990 cd player

Kimber Kable Monocle XL speaker cables
Kimber Kable PK10 Palladian powerkords

Furman IT-Reference 15 power conditioner.

I would also consider the Totem Acoustics Mani-2 signatures and the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M's.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbrandonosman23
Oh and by the way.....just by adding the Kimber Kable PK10 Palladian powerkords it is a night and day difference over the stock. It truly makes this $2600.00 integrated sound like a $5000.00 to $6000.00 integrated.
Brandonosman .. You stated in 2 other posts that you had purchased the Studio 1s and were looking for amplification for them . Now your saying you didn't purchase them and are looking to find them in the right color . Yet in this post you are looking for two way speakers . Please explain .
Tmsorosk, When I had posted a question in the past about a speaker that I was INTERESTED in purchasing I usually did not get the responses that I wanted. They were usually "you should purchase these other speakers" or "I recommend that you look into those speakers" and had nothing to do with the question I asked at all. So what I found that worked for me was to state in the post that I had already purchased said equipment. With that stated in the post people do not try to pursuade you to purchase other equipment and actually answer the question you asked in the first place.
I can understand what your saying there , isn't it interesting how when you ask about amplification for a given speaker , folks will chime in telling you to sell your speakers first , and buy the one's they own , even if there total wrong for you . You didn't handle it the way I would have though , you have to sift through the posts and use the useful ones and chuckle at the rest . Happy listening .
i haven't heard the lat 2's, so can't make a direct comparison to that speaker, but i prefer my gems to all the monitors i owned previously - wilson, green mountain, gallo...