I read the post from Alex (@crover) right after my posting, slightly interesting that it is an "ancient log-in account" yet has only one posting, but that could be something on Audiogon’s part. I also will have to disagree with the " This is a baseless campaign by a person who we treated well (as we do all our clients) but has some other agenda." I guess that will depend on your definition of "treated well."
One thing that jumped out to me, mikey8811 was trying to fix the old LPS 1 that had failed, his electronics guy found one problem, did the repair, but that didn’t fix it, so he needed two little capacitors, only found in the U.S., so he asks if they could be sent to Alex and just put in with the new LPS 1.2 he’s getting. Alex’s response, 10/17/19, "
Dear Y A:
I have already told you that it is not possible for us to assist you in repair of the original LPS-1. The special price offered to you to upgrade to LPS-1.2 is in lieu of any and all repair obligation regarding your old unit.
We do not stock those capacitors at our facility because we use a turnkey PCB assembly firm who handles ordering of all parts to our exact specifications.
I am very busy with EtherREGEN launch right now, so please do not ask again about LPS-1 repair advice."
OK, and this is BEFORE mikey8811 has paid for the new LPS 1.2, and Alex is telling him to forget about any assistance, even putting two little capacitors that are sent to him from an outside source, into the package for mikey8811. That should have been the point where mikey8811 started to question the wisdom of continuing to deal with Alex, but of course he’s got a lot of money already sunk into the junky LPS 1 that was supposedly "repaired" but really wasn’t. I’m thinking Alex should have been embarrassed enough that the LPS 1 failed so quickly to make the effort to help, but he wasn’t. Of course, on 9/18/19 Alex says "We are sorry to lose you as a client," which would thus leave mikey8811 with the junky LPS 1 that wasn’t working.
I had to chuckle at mikey8811’s comments, 100% accurate, in his 9/16/19 email to Alex,
Dear Alex
Thanks for your reply.
Let me see if I understand this correctly.
The LPS 1 is still under warranty as are many others out there. However, you do not have any new circuit boards for it. Instead, the circuit boards are from previously faulty units albeit now repaired or traded in ones. This is because the LPS 1 has been superceded by the LPS 1.2.
Correct. Though the board we installed in your replacement was from a trade-in. It was not a board that had been repaired.
My repaired unit’s replacement circuit board (not new) was thoroughly tested at your facility and yet it still failed after 3 months of use at best. You state that the failure rate of LPS 1’s are 3%. I guess I must have fallen into the really unlucky camp because I have literally had 2 units fail within a short time frame.
" Correct." As a person who loves math, the odds of a 3% occurrence happening twice are 0.09%! Not even as good as the odds of you picking a winner on a Play-3 lottery, which of course I don’t do but that’s another discussion.
The 9/17/19 email from mikey8811 follows along the same thinking,
" Dear Alex
Thank you for your candour.
I will be traveling to Melbourne, Australia for work in 2 days. Do you have an authorised agent or distributor there with stock of the LPS 1?
If so, would I be able to do a one-to-one swap so I may lower the costs of return and repair.
I do not have high hopes for the longevity of the repaired unit given my previous experience and your admission of the poor quality of available parts and will probably have to write it off if it becomes defective once again. I am just hoping to minimise my losses from this experience.
While I appreciate your honesty and apology, I do hope you can also appreciate my point of view. My experience with the Uptone LPS 1 has not been the best to say the least and to chalk it down to my bad luck is something that leaves a bad aftertaste. To be honest, this is the only item in my Hi Fi setup to have malfunctioned in the last 20 years if my recollection serves me correctly. While I do enjoy the sonics of the LPS 1.2 in my system currently, I am wary about its longevity given the above. At this juncture, I am hesitant to throw more good money after bad and am unlikely to want to purchase another Uptone product. Again, this is no personal slur on you. "
Also note, nobody has referenced these emails by mikey8811 here, though they are at the other site.
So, after this ridiculousness, mikey8811 STILL continues on and buys the LPS 1.2, putting another $250 into it and the difference being the $185 warranty that Alex won’t have to honor, as discussed previously.
This is also noteworthy, Alex has referenced that he works on 100% markup, which means the LPS 1.2 costs 217.50 to produce, and he pays $35 shipping to Malaysia, so at $250 he’s losing $2.50 on this fiasco, and not having to bother repairing AGAIN the LPS1 that mikey8811 has. Quoting from @crover 1/10/20 post, " And since the retail price of our products--at only double our actual costs-- "
So immediately upon receiving it mikey8811 says there is a problem, even stating he believes it isn’t new. This is the only place where I’ll disagree, although I can’t state definitely until I see more evidence, I’m believing it was new. The pictures are fairly grim regarding the screws, and chuckling again, mikey8811 says "Here are the photos you didn’t include, which clearly show the damage." So Alex posts this massive amount of information, but leaves out the photos?
OK, even with the questionable screws, that is fairly technical but from the photos looks to be a legitimate complaint.
The ultimate deciding factor though is the "0.1mm too short" circuit board as stated by Alex in the 10/28/19 email and mikey8811’s logical response:
" Any rattle you hear is only from the entire circuit board not being held firm in the slots by pressure from the front/back plates. The PCB has close +/- tolerance for length, and sometimes a few are just 0.1mm short—enough to keep the end plates from holding it steady. We have a trick to fix that (a bit of electrical tape along the inside of the front plate is enough thickness), but perhaps we missed your unit or the temperature is different in your environment"
mikey8811: "There is a recurring thread where you tellingly seem to know exactly what has caused the damage. Yet are not decent enough to take responsibility for your own negligence but rather ask me to open up the unit myself and mount electrical tape. As mentioned, I am not technically inclined nor do I own the implements necessary to fix issues with the used and/ or damaged unit you sent. I would have to pay a technician to so so which is ludicrous as I paid for a new and finished product which was clearly not shipped as such.
There is only your word that there are no loose parts and your words have been proven to lack credibility.
Good customer service only happens when you perform it. Not when you just talk endlessly about how good it is. "
I loved what Alex said, "the temperature is different in your environment!" Does he make them in Alaska? Also, they didn’t "perhaps we missed your unit," they did miss the unit.
So a refund is due, it should be $435 because that is what mikey8811 has into it. Alex’s claim that mikey8811 has already gotten the money back is false, because Alex is challenging the claim. If the credit card company decides in favor of Alex, it is only because mikey8811 has’t shipped the unit back at his own expense, which really should be paid for by Alex for sending a clearly defective, by his own admission, unit. And if mikey8811 did ship the defective LPS 1.2 back, even getting the $250 back from the credit card company, he's still out the $185 repair he's due for the junky LPS 1 that Alex sent him.
As a final disclaimer, I have never met nor dealt with either person.