Has all decency left the entire planet?

**** Imho, any disrespect or barbarisam toward any civil or cultural heritage, may come from any number of reasons and none of them should be justified, no matter what ’explanation’ may be in someones head. ****

“justified”=excused. Same meaning in this context.

**** would you say that only a person with deep understanding of his relationship with church and perhaps with simmilar feelings can enjoy his music?
Do you believe that ’others’ would be less capable doing so? ****

I think you know the answer to the first question. Of course not. As far as your second question goes, it is pointless to try and judge how much, more or less, any one person would enjoy the music. What I do know is that there is important significance to the fact that his music was inspired by a wish to praise his God. How anyone can suggest that this understanding would not give a more complete picture of the composer and the meaning of his music is beyond me; and, this is (should be) independent of the listener’s own beliefs. Would you seriously suggest that understanding the meaning of Holiday’s “Strange Fruit” would not give the song added poignancy and meaning? Or, that NOT knowing is an equally complete/meaningful understanding of the song? 

If one destroys the history of a group, then the cohesion and the forward motion of the origins of the drive in people is disturbed and thus malleable.

It is very high on the list of things to do when attempting to corrupt or end a society or culture. One of the most insistent and utilized tactics in the art of non linear  or asymmetrical warfare.

Generally used as a softening up technique before actual shifts of the group are effected by pre-planned false flags. attack on the blind side of people. No different than the lion sneaking up in the tall grass to attack and end the blissfully unaware.  

Part of the gaming of a group. It is dreadfully easy to do, as willful ignorance usually rules the day... as people don't like to think of the alternatives, alternatives that are very painful to realize.

As Rahm Emanuel said, 'never let a good crisis go to waste.' The question is...who set the stage and who pulled the trigger. We've been torn on the tip of these things since long before Spartacus got gamed. And consequently...Rome was turned into a dictatorial bloodbath that lasted 400 years. 

The west has had about a good decade plus now.. of unsustainable high levels of enforced immigration, in most cases to the level that cohesive societies in the west are being torn. 

Ask yourself why, and who ...is gaming it.
Could be God paying Europe back from the  Hell of colonialism .

I know Germany very well .  99.9 % of all Germans would not do that .As has been said almost certainly a nut-job on the loose .
@schubert, "the Hell of colonialism" can often eventually be seen as a good thing.

It takes time of course, often a lot of time. I think I'm still in the minority here in the UK who are truly grateful for the kick up the backsides we received at the hands of both Julius Caesar and William the Bastard (or William the Conqueror as he is also known). 

Far too often ignorance and evil are co-mingled as one- and this is not usually the case. To think it is becomes dangerous - large groups can be denigrated and targeted due to the acts of a few ignorant members- not evil- but ignorant. Please don’t take this as high-brow preaching- not the intent- but when forming an opinion around an act or event- consider attempting to determine if what you have witnessed is truly evil, or just a tragic act of ignorance. I suggest the latter can be forgiven regardless of the magnitude of the offense. The former less so.