First of all thanks for all the detailed input.
I should have added more detail though line preamp and sep phono preamp and turntable are all on a second dedicated line plugged into a synergistic power conditioner.
My third dedicated line is just for the pair of REL subwoofers.
Late last nite I changed it so each monoblock on different dedicated line...but second outlet for each monoblock has REL sub....i figured less current draw more headroom for monoblock albeit not ideal same circuit as sub.
The sounds seems more open and bass still fantastic....maybe faster bass ?
I did reach out to Pass and Kent already emailed me back stating that one dedicated circuit is fine for both monoblocks that the power consumption is not that much ....unless you aee meters fluctuating a lot you not taxing amps nor line. He gave no opinion about sound but they claim power cables have little affect on sound and that is not my experience.
I was not thinking could blow something...maybe i should have....but just whether at loud volume would get more lively sound....seems to be the case but might be perception bias....will see over time over more records it still prefer this way...
Anyone think bad idea sonically to mix one dedicated outlet for left monoblock amp and left sub...I have REL set at low output and a low crossover so sub are very modestly involved.
I have another non dedicated outlet that could get another dedicated line but feel 3 dedicated lines enuf for SR atmosphere tweak goes into non dedicated line...
Lastly I did try running the subs into the power conditioner but felt somehow sound waa a little less big and live....the monos def prefer not going through power conditioner....SR says no power limits and my other system the stereo amp sounds better into their power conditioner but its a far less powerful amp
I should have added more detail though line preamp and sep phono preamp and turntable are all on a second dedicated line plugged into a synergistic power conditioner.
My third dedicated line is just for the pair of REL subwoofers.
Late last nite I changed it so each monoblock on different dedicated line...but second outlet for each monoblock has REL sub....i figured less current draw more headroom for monoblock albeit not ideal same circuit as sub.
The sounds seems more open and bass still fantastic....maybe faster bass ?
I did reach out to Pass and Kent already emailed me back stating that one dedicated circuit is fine for both monoblocks that the power consumption is not that much ....unless you aee meters fluctuating a lot you not taxing amps nor line. He gave no opinion about sound but they claim power cables have little affect on sound and that is not my experience.
I was not thinking could blow something...maybe i should have....but just whether at loud volume would get more lively sound....seems to be the case but might be perception bias....will see over time over more records it still prefer this way...
Anyone think bad idea sonically to mix one dedicated outlet for left monoblock amp and left sub...I have REL set at low output and a low crossover so sub are very modestly involved.
I have another non dedicated outlet that could get another dedicated line but feel 3 dedicated lines enuf for SR atmosphere tweak goes into non dedicated line...
Lastly I did try running the subs into the power conditioner but felt somehow sound waa a little less big and live....the monos def prefer not going through power conditioner....SR says no power limits and my other system the stereo amp sounds better into their power conditioner but its a far less powerful amp