Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
"The scary part is so many are so dumb and gullible they fall for it."
No matter how hard we try, millercarbon always comes back talking about PPT.

He even hijacks his own weather thread.
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....what I find so 'deliciously heartwarming' about all this....

Is that most of us won't live long enough to actually experience the worst of what may occur If the projections come to pass.

AND....if they don't...same thing.

I'd prefer the latter outcome; not that I'll get to enjoy or just merely get to carry on as usual...

MHO is that it's still a 'win/win' scenario to take the former seriously and clean up our act anyway.

We could at least save the honeybees.

Unless one's dream of 'full employment' is to a whole lot of people in the fields with small brushes....collecting pollen, distributing same, pulling weeds, killing the odd bug....

We'd all be fitter, tanned....and thin.

"My goal is to find a cure for irony and make a fool out of God!"
('Jimmy Tomorrow', The Waitresses)

Personally...(what else is there?*L*)..I want to have my carcass dissolved, and poured into a river....

In a relatively short span of time.....
I'll 'be' Everywhere.
And I can soak your head.
*L*  And all you'll be able to do is curse the sky.

Which may be what will happen...anyway....:(
What scientific methods applied by mere humans would, in effect, change the solar cycles and the angle-relationship of the earth to the sun?

The answer, of course, is to raise taxes to the limit just short of revolution, introduce stifling regulations on the individual to reduce people movement, house the world population in high-rise buildings to avoid "Urban Sprawl," destroy evil capitalism and convert all of earth's societies into one enormous company store, from which, there would be no escape.

And when finally climate ceases to change, we can move to the next level and stop that pesky wind from blowing. 

I wish it would snow here. I think the dampening effect would lower my system's noise floor. Not likely though. The last time I remember snow of any consequence was in 1949 when I was a pup living in Santa Barbara, California. The Channel Islands were stunning, covered in snow.

Here's some pics of life in Paradise:

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